Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Three Months Old!

I can't believe how fast she is growing! She's such a fun girl. She loves: her pacifier (binki, or schnula), her swing, her clown play-mat, playing with mom and dad, smiling at everyone, Baby Einstein (she watches it all the way through with intense interest - since she was 2 months), the outdoors (especially watching the leaves on the trees blowing in the wind), her rattles, "peaches pie" (a game daddy plays with her), soft blankies, sucking on her hand (she actually tries to suck on most everything), and kicking, kicking, kicking! She doesn't like: being hungry, when she has to poop, and raised voices. We love her so much and know just how lucky we are to have her in our home.

A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men --Martin Fraquhar Tupper

We like it!


Kristin said...

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gorgoeous and so cute.
I am sure she could win the first price in the THE MOST BEUTIFUL BABY IN THE UNIVERSE Competition :-)

Rosemary said...

My word, this baby loves the camera! What a poser!! She is the most beautiful, delightful, happy baby! She is just like her mom was-a real joy! She has the same mouth and smile but with Jorg's wonderful dimples! I am in baby heaven!
