Friday, March 25, 2011

She's Bouncing: All.the.time! by: Jorg

I couldn't tell what she was saying at the end of the clip and she told me it was:  "bye, girlfriends!"

True Love

So happy to walk through life and eternity with this guy - my eternal boyfriend.  I love you Jorgi Smorgi!  Here we are at The 12:30 A.M. Soooooo yummy!
We had a get-a-way in Salt Lake over the weekend.  We stayed at Anniversary Inn in the Tuscany Suit.I think they did such a good job of making us feel like we were somewhere faaaaaar away from real life.  Except for the skateboarders outside the window at 7 A.M.
Five years have been awesome and I can't wait to see what comes in the next five! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Luck O' the Irish!

breakfast:  green(ish) eggs, green milk, green jello, green pancakes.  She made a fun Leprechaun catcher at school & ran around catching Leprechauns all day!
She had dance & wore green ribbons in her hair (to keep from getting pinched)!  And the rest of the day, played with friends.  Here are our backyard neighbors, Taylor and Elle Breithwaite.
Lilli came over to play and had on a matching shirt!
We Like It!

Oh, Japan

I feel a kinship with Japan since Jorg was just there twice the past couple of months.  He has such respect for their culture.  He told me about how they bow to each other, listen to each other, and believe so much in ethics and honor. 

He has a friend named Iwasa, who was in Utah this past fall.  He ate dinner at our house.  Rebecca still remembers him (because he brought her presents!) and when she heard about Japan, she wanted to know if he is okay.  He is, luckily!  He was in the Trivani office in Tokyo when the earthquake struck.  Then somehow he rode a motorcycle for 4 hours to get to his home.  (His usual commute was by train.)  He found his wife and daughter doing fine.  But over there, they are so scared about the radiation.  And they are running out of food and supplies.  Iwasa said they were waiting in line for over 5 hours to get a couple liters of gas.

I have a good friend, Sachiko.  She lives here in the US, but her family is still in Japan.  Her home city was hit hard with the earthquakes and tsunami.  She didn't hear from her sister for the first 2 days after the catastrophe!  But finally, through a miracle, got through to her.  Here is her story, and a donate button:

I find myself appreciating my blessings more than ever.  A warm house.  Clean water.  Food in abundance.  Toilet paper.  and most of all, my family!  And knowing that our families, here and in Germany, are all safe.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Neighbor Friends

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Another Nephew is coming!

Congratulations to these three:

A baby brother is coming for sweet Annalie in August !

Friday, March 4, 2011

Congratulations, Sister Omi and Brother Grandpa!

Jim and Birgit received their mission call to the Houston, Texas Mission!  We are going to miss them like crazy, but are excited they have been called to a place we can easily visit.  They go into the MTC for a week at the beginning of May.  We know our family will receive blessings for their service.  What a great example they are to all of us!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Haha...the narration here is pretty lame. I was trying to do it fast and was very distracted. But you get the idea. There is beauty on this earth. We like it! (and we really were hunting for dinosaurs.)

St. George

 Aunt Kim took these cute pictures.  I need to frame them to hang in Rebecca's bathroom.  She got the best expressions!

 We went a fun trip to St. George!  We drove down on Wednesday night and met my parents there.  Thursday was nice weather.  We started the day taking a walk with my dad and skippy.  Then played at the park.  And took a drive to Colorado City.  We saw lots of polygamists!

Friday we went on a hike with my dad (a post of it's own) and then Jorg and I headed to Vegas for a day trip.  We had a blast together just goofing off.  We ate at the Paris buffet.  We were there towards the end of the lunch service, so we ate slow and caught the beginning of dinner with the crab legs.  It was pretty good.  We played some penny slots at Caesar's Palace.  We each played a dollar.  Jorg enjoyed it more than me.  But I had fun watching him have fun.  Then it was time for him to have fun watching me have fun and we went to Serendipity for frozen hot chocolate.  Our final stop was Trader Joe where we each got some of our favorite eats to take home.  My parents were awesome to entertain Rebecca while we were gone.  And she even got to go see Knomeo and Juliet.

Saturday Lane, Kim, Steph, and cousin Ali joined to party.  We ate at Cafe Rio and mostly just hung out inside the whole day, the weather was icky.  But we had fun chatting and watching movies.
Sunday we went to church and headed home.  It was soooo nice to get away.
My two cuties with their entertainment on a rainy night.