Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Little Graduate

We had a little program at Colin's house.
Colin, Rebecca, Lili, and Max
Miss Amelia, Miss Emily, Miss Noelle, Miss Natasha
All the kids recited their favorite nursery rhyme. Rebecca wanted to tell her own version of Humpty Dumpty: "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...All the King's horses and all the king's men, COULD put Humpty together again...with STICKY TAPE!" She thought of that because of cute Addie Knight (my cousin's daughter) who is obsessed with sticky tape.

Such a great evening. These kids are so smart and fun. I'm sad the school year is over because I really enjoyed having them in my home every month. And enjoyed the association I had with their awesome moms! We'll have to find lots to keep us busy this summer.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


We had an outing with Mimi last week and I took along the camera. Just for fun! And fun, it was. Em and the kids (that's fun to say, since William has joined the family) met us for lunch.

In this post there are lots of blue things. Blue is Rebeca's new favorite color (pink is out ever since Taylor entered the picture). See if you can spot blue stripes, blue eyes, a blue frog, blue sucker, and a blue lemon.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sister Omi

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

thanks for taking pictures, Aunt Emily!
The funniest was some of the kids practically sitting on Rebecca's lap, trying to help her open the presents!  I think the party was a hit with the birthday girl.  She said that her favorite part was playing around with the kids.  But she didn't like it when everyone sang to her, because she was shy ;)  But seriously, these are the cutest kids.  They were all so fun.
My momma helped a lot w/ keeping the 10 kids busy & happy.  What a great day!
We Like It!

berit & anika

 Tante Berit and her friend, Anika, were here on holiday!  They are both teachers.  And they both have one brown eye and one blue eye.  Isn't that cool?  I don't have a picture of their eyes, though.  Everyone will just have meet them in real life! Berit spoiled us rotten with nice presents.  And the birthday girl was in heaven having playmates to take in the backyard, into her little house, and to walk her to preschool (below).
Here is my "Paparazzi photo" of Berit in her pajamas.  (See, glamorous people are just like you and me, sometimes!)
After school, Rebecca took us all on a tour of the "swamp".   She was very proud.
 Here is Anika.  Bonus:  She's wearing a new hankerchief/pirate hat/wind guard/sun shield, which she got at Cabella's.  She modeled all the styles for us!
 It was so great having them stay with us for a few days.  We miss them already!

Easter 2011

The Easter Bunny came to our house!

After church, we went to Mimi and Papa's. 
And, wouldn't you know it?  The bunny visited there too.
My parents with all of their grandchildren and skippy too:
We took the opportunity to celebrate my mom's birthday!
Then tried out some new nail polish she had gotten as a present:  Go brother Jon! 
And we'll leave you with this jem of a photo I took while my parents were giving an Easter devotional:
Well, Kim looks cute. Actually, kind of like...glowing?!
(Baby Aldrich due 12-11)

Post edit:  since Emily, Joel, and I were not pictured above, I added these.  Just so, you would KNOW that we were there.  Yes, everyone was.  Except STEPH who went to St. George that weekend w/ some friends. 
Now life is complete, right Kitty?!