Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008


(German for, Snow!)We put her to work again. Such a good girl!Thanks for the snow boots and hat, Mimi!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Silly, Part IX

Rebecca, Where's your Baby?
I heard something in the bathroom and ran to get the camera. I was trying hard not to laugh!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This Christmas Season... passing by too quickly...
like Rebecca and Jorg in this train!

Saturday we went to the mall with the intent of sitting on Santa's lap. Rebecca refused! She shook her head and said, "no!" over and over. And she was very serious about it. We didn't even wast our time waiting in line.
Oh, she is so funny! I just love her!
We'll see how she does with Santa at Jorg's company party tomorrow.
And we got our tree at the little lot just down the road!
It's tiny, it's real, it's up high so Rebecca can't mess with it, and it smells great!
We Like It!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Clips from our Vacation

Our girl is so funny and CUTE! We love her so!


Friday, December 12, 2008

European Vacation

We're back! We spent 16 days in Europe seeing the sites and visiting with our wonderful German family and friends. It was so great to see everyone! We took over 200 photos. Here are just a few. If you are interested in seeing more, click here.
In Hannover (we were there and back again a few times)
Uncle Michael and Rebecca had lots of fun together.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Being spoiled by Tante Berit at the Christmas Market.
Cute Annalie on her blessing day.
In Milan, Italy. We spend 2 days and 2 nights there. Berit came along too!

I had to add this picture. Poor Rebecca never adjusted to the time change, and being dragged around everywhere. It was hard to get smiles for the camera!
Here we finally got a smile. She loved that store window.
We spent a day in Holland where Jorg did some business. I didn't get many photos but it was beautiful.
In Bremen (Berit's City). It's so charming!
Ever heard the famous story of the Bremen Town Musicians? Well it's about animals. When you put a coin in that drain, the animal sounds come floating up.

Shopping with Kristin and Annalie! She is sooooooo cute! And such a good baby.

Jorg with the two cousins. MY...Rebecca is big!
We had an overnight layover in Paris! (and don't be jealous but we ate baguettes and drank Orangina)

This picture cracks me up and shows the way we all felt by the end of the trip!
Though it was a challenge with our cutie, we really did have a good time. We are so lucky to have had the opportunity to go! Thanks for hosting us and spoiling us, Kristin, Michael, Berit, and the cutest baby Annalie.
We miss you already!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rebecca and Annalie

Rebecca loves her new cousin, Annalie! She says, "BabY, babY!" all day and always wants to see her. She likes to coo at her and tries to touch her and climbs up on the couch to be near her. Once she even said, "mu-babay" (my baby). So cute. Annalie is just darling and is starting to smile a lot!
This is the night we arrived. Rebecca was tired and just climbed up there.
Here is the happy family on Annalie's blessing day!
You can see she is holding Annalie's hand here.
We Like It!
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