Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Birthday Child!

Eating birthday candy in front of her new tunnel house:
Playing at the park with friends:
Eating at McDonald's with mommy and daddy:
Blowing out candles with Mimi:
(we finally all got our schedules together to have a birthday party for my cute mom!)

What a day! We tried to spoil our girl as much as possible.
Her birthday is one day of the year when we don't tell her 'no'!
Which resulted in:
candy morning, noon, and night
running around outside barefoot
listening to the Bambi song in the car 7 x's in a row
a BIG piece of gum
me reading her book after book after book,
(without stopping for breaks to do any kind of housework)

We Like It!
Rebecca's official "Candy Party" is on Saturday.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Twilight Zone

How could my baby be turning 3 already? I know it cannot be true!

She and I made this birthday countdown for the fridge during General Conference (to keep her busy). And every morning we take off a link. She is so excited! I am too. But sad. But happy. Happy she's ours. And happy with the little person she is. Lots of birthday fun to come...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Lawn Sit

Monday was so gorgeous and we spent most of it playing outside. When Jorg got home from work, Rebecca had this idea that she wanted to lay on the grass. And she didn't want to do it alone. But daddy was doing some work on his laptop and mom was making dinner! So the smart one put on her cutest face and softly asked us PLEASE?
...and here you have the result.
Neither of us could say no. So we all sat on the grass and looked at the clouds. And played tickle torture. And listened to the birds chirp. And forgot all about what it was that we were doing before that was so important.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Rebecca has a new obsession:This gorgeous "twirling dress"!
It was custom made by Birgit
She originally made it for her 3rd birthday, but was so excited she ended up giving it to her early.
What a fun and talented Omi Rebecca has!
And she looks so stinkin' cute in that dress, I can hardly stand it.
Too bad the pictures are all blurry because she wouldn't stop dancing!
Thanks for coming down to visit us, Omi and Grandpa!

Annual Spring-time Outing?

On Saturday Jorg wanted to do some research at the Family History Library.
So we all went!
As I was taking pictures, I noticed the first pictures on our memory stick were from last year...in the same spot...almost to the day (1 day off). I guess we'll have to make a tradition to go the weekend after Conference.

She's still "star struck" by the princesses :)
We two girls entertained ourselves quite nicely while Jorg was studying.
We played at the little pioneer kitchen set-up in the JS Memorial Building,
Watched the Joseph Smith movie, until the mob scence...she was very concerned...and I thought better of her young age. She is still 2! At least for a few more precious weeks...sigh...
Enjoyed the sunshine,
Did lots of running and climbing and jumping!and ate lunch at a table with a view!It was just one of those perfect Saturdays!
Okay, so Rebecca knocked over her full glass of water at lunch,
ran away from me in the courtyard, and I had to chase her around and around that log cabin twice to catch her, Jorg didn't have much luck with his research, and the leftover Raviolli spilled all over the stroller.

So...maybe not perfect...but regardless...it was a lovely day
We like it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eggstra Nerdy Nerds + Princesses Bunnies

What a fun evening!
My parents had us all over for dinner and an egg hunt for FHE.
The big kids had the traditional hunt in the yard. It was cold, muddy, and crazy!
My dad hid the eggs in the weirdest places.
Joeler ended up finding the biggest jack pot, but we all got some of the money love.
My mom laughed that none of us ate any of the candy that was in the eggs. We just dumped it out looking for the mula.

Then the little princess bunnies got their chance to hunt for eggs (candy only)!
Rebecca is carrying a vintage Easter basket. Wow!
It's VERY old. 30 plus years. Because it was mine :)
It was so fun to see my girl with it.
I'll have to see if I can dig up some Easter pictures of me & that basket.

And the piano was enjoyed by all!
I decided we need to start saving up for a piano. Jorg plays by ear and he's really good.
I just love hearing him play.
It's so romantical!

And I have to mention how awesome it was that Uncle Jon (and I think that marvelous Mimi was with him) supervised the girls running around the house for a really long time so the rest of us could chat! He is such a fun uncle!

and since they are just fun to see, here are Kim and Emily's accounts of the night.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny hid eggs at our house!
Rebecca was very quick at finding them and picking them all up.
and very excited about it! This is sure a fun age with her.
And he brought her this cool farm puzzle with tractors:
all the way from Germany...

What a bunny!
(and he opened our carrots with his tiny teeth
and ate some too!)
And then we got to enjoy...
the Easter Snow!

hahahaha to Jorg with his bed head :)
It melted before too long though.
We Like It!

Rebecca asked us all about the Easter Bunny:
Q: "Where does he live?"
A: In Bunny Land
Q: "Where is that?"
A: Far away, in Bunny World
Q: "Where is he now?"
A: Asleep in the field
Q: "Does he talk?"
A: Of course!

When all was calm, we explained to her the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
After we told her in English and German, she said:
"Tell me that story 'bout Jesus, AGAIN!"

Easter Dinner

What an awesome Easter!
Since it was Conference Sunday, we stayed in our jammies all day and just enjoyed each other .
My parents were in St. George so we got to have Easter Dinner at our place!
Lane, Kim, Steph, and Joeler graced us with their presence.
We colored eggs after dinner.
I love these goofballs!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome Home, Daddy Kitty!

Yah, Rebecca and I are probably the best artists in the world!
He liked our sign, and that's what counts :)
It is soooo nice to have him back.
And he brought LOTS of presents!
And he's so handsome!
We missed him millions and millions!

While the Cat's Away...

...the mice will play!

We missed Jorg for
2 Weeks!
So we had to play
a lot
to keep our mind of missing him.
and we did...
"If you Give a Mouse a Cookie"
Dinosaur Museum
3-D Movie
Cheesecake Factory
(with Sloan gals)
visit to Brigham City
BYU's BEAN Museum
Going for Mexican (twice) with the Smith's and Garrett's
and lots of playing with family and friends.

Thanks to everyone who kept us busy and happy.
We are lucky to have such wonderful peops.
We love you!

Here is a movie clip with Steph's dog, Charlie.
We had such fun at my parent's house!
Can I just tell you how wonderful it was to have people around (besides me) to love her and give her attention?!

and here she is with Uncle Laner....awh...so cute!
stolen from their blog.
and Jorg was able to call us a lot. He was taking care of business in Germany.
He got to stay with both of his sisters!
and see some good friends too.

Dinosaur Museum

with Mimi!
and here's a little movie clip:

Thanks so much, mom! We had a great time with you!!
and thanks for playing with her while I went to the gym or on errands!
I have to add that my dad was just so much fun too, as he always is.
He gave Rebecca a little bit of a "daddy fix" as he chased her around.
Hid with her in her "Kitty Cat House"
Played with her in the backyard
And tickled her!
Lucky, lucky girl.

The Aquarium

We loved it!
We went last Thursday and Rebecca still talks about it. It was just perfect for her. Highlights were:

sea horses
touching a sea ray!
the little tunnels
the "nemo" fish
squealing with delight
running around with Natalie hand in hand
and eating at the cafe
thanks for playing with us, Emily and Natalie!
Em's post here.

3-D Movie

the Smith's invited us to see, "How to Train Your Dragon"!
I saw a preview and realized that the dragons would be turning "nice" and told Rebecca about it. So she wasn't scared, or at least didn't act scared!
(I'm the BEST mom...I know...I try...)
We really enjoyed the movie. I think what she enjoyed even more than the movie, though, was sitting by little Ellie and holding her hand. So darn cute!

A Visit

"Will you draw a picture of grandpa?"
It was a nice day and we took Rebecca by wagon to get ice cream.
and played in the attic
and ate the best lunch!
and ran around the house
and had great talks
So much fun! Thanks Birgit and Jim :)