Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Aunty Viv!

There is a grocery store in California called Vons. I was on a road trip there with my Sloan cousins a couple of years ago. Somehow decided to call Mel, Princess VonsIsValue. I know, you wish it were your nickname too :)

She decided Rebecca will call her Aunty Viv (short for VonsIsValue). We had a sleepover while Jorg was out of town. Here are the pictures she took.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall...."


Melanie said...

Bahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I love it - we posted on the same thing!
I saw your comment on my blog...hehehe... and you posted the ugliness that is me in all my Saturday-Morning-no-makeup-and-bedhead glory! :)

Marsie said...

VV! Funny that's the only nickname that stuck from that trip...

ty and megs said...

where did you get that darling dress/hat combo? love it!!