Well..we put her in soccer. Jorg is the
coach - I'm the assistant. It's pretty low key: we just play 4 on 4 and there are no positions and we don't keep score. But she doesn't like playing soccer at all!!! She liked the one practice we had. But now we have games twice a week (until the end of Sept). She won't come in when we call her as a substitution, she lays on the
field when she gets out there. She complains every 30 seconds that she's
too tired. It's like torture for her! She just wants to play around on
the sidelines. I'm going to try candy bribes for this week's game and see if it goes any better.
Here is Coach Jorg motivating his team!

I coached a few games while Jorg was in Japan. My mom was able to come help with one of the games! But man...Rebecca! I came away in tears of frustration (not all because of her) after the second game... One thing I'll say is, she loves to READ! There was a play where everyone (players, coaches, parents) were waiting for her to throw the ball in. And she was just holding it over her head and slowly twirling it, so she could read what was written on the ball!

No shortage of personality with this girl. And I'll tell ya, our life with her is never boring!
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