Monday, April 27, 2009

Joel's Got Talent

Rebecca and I visited my old high school to watch Uncle Joel perform in the Prom Assembly. I ran into some former third graders (the first class I taught is now GRADUATING from high school!) and my heart was full of pride, seeing the wonderful young adults they have become. I also felt just a little old!
We are so proud of Uncle Joel!
These two sound amazing!


Lemme said...

wow! they sound good!! i love that song!!!

Rosemary said...

Joel you sounded so great! Ann, beautiful job! Great duo! I'm in Hawaii with dad! We love this! Thanks for posting, Em!! McDougals say they are your fans and want your records! Love Joel's #1 Mama of the fan club!

Emily said...

He's such a rock star. Em you should upload this to the official Joel Aldrich fan club page on facebook! :)

Kaitlin Heckert said...

My SHMOLE!!!! Thank you ever so for putting this up Emers! I miss the guy :( But this helps just a little. We all decided when Joel is famous we are going to do a cousin number! YESSSSSSS!!