Here are some scrapbook pages and some thoughts. (Janet, do you recognize this cute pink dress?)

Posted by
Em and Jorg
10:20 AM
Zermatt. We had a goofy/silly/romantical time! The seafood buffet was a blessing from above. The people in the hotel called us 'sir' and 'mam'. The pretty decor tricked us into thinking we were in Switzerland. All of the German words were spelled correctly, except for bakerie (which was only misspelled on the credit card statement, not at the actually bakery). Saturday we drove to Park City for shopping. On our way we stopped at the 7-11! A Slurpee for me (of course I chose the red straw to match my outfit, because the straw always has to match my outfit. Right Kate and Mel?!) and a chocolate milk for Jorg (he gets the Cream O'Weber and insists on removing the wrapper before he can drink it because the cow looks like a "five dollar hooker". He wants me to put in that the cows on the website also do the "Heil Hitler" when you scroll over them. Another reason to hate those cows(?).
Posted by
Em and Jorg
10:52 PM
Jorg and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary yesterday! It was a day of surprises. Well, okay...just two surprises. I surprised Jorg with his favorite breakfast (surprise #1). It was kind of a rushed morning because we got up late. So he quickly ate his meal, got dressed (without even showering!!), gave us a kiss, and ran out the door. Half a second later, he ran back in the door and scared us to death (we were still at the breakfast table) yelling, "Hiiii! I'm not going to work today!" (Surprise #2) So we three spent a lovely day together!
We went to Salt Lake and ate & shopped around. It was a fun day of reminiscing events of the last few years. Here is a picture of us after we got home. (Hello to my fat roll...eeps! I own it people, I own it.)
So, my mom gives me a Mary Engelbreit calendar for Christmas each year. So cute. I love the page for this March:
I must've worked awfully hard to be lucky enough to have these two in my life. (Though I have no idea what I did to deserve them.) Jorg, Happy Anniversary. I love you with all of my little girl heart! I am looking forward to this weekend - our getaway to Zermatt (Midway, UT...not Switzerland). Kissies!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
9:51 PM
Here we are playing with our baby girl. Thanks goes to Rebecca for the hours of entertainment she provides to her parents! We're silly and We Like It :)
Posted by
Em and Jorg
9:28 PM
Here we are at home just playin' around. I took these yesterday. I realize that there are two videos of Rebecca getting into daddy's socks. But I want her aunties from faaaaar away, (hello to Kristin in Hannover and Berit in Mexico), to be able to see all of her facial expressions and hear those funny noises she makes. I like the part where she discovers her headband and throws it on the ground. Little monkey! That happens a lot. But it's usually in the car when she's bored. She has ruined a few of them by pulling the ribbons apart. But still, I try. Come on...there's not much ELSE I can do with her hair! Though, you can see little whispies when I get the camera close up. Speaking of hair, do you recognize this outfit, Rebecca G? Someday she will wear the matching hairclips! I adore this girl and I thoroughly enjoy being her mom :)
Posted by
Em and Jorg
5:44 PM
The new official portrait. Click here for the story. I love these wonderful men!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
3:27 PM
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