Aunt Emily and Uncle Jon babysat for us several weeks ago, and Em took these pictures...and more... They're so fun! I love the tongue sticking out on the middle one! I copied and stole this collage from Em's Blog.
She emailed me the pictures, but they're such great quality, I've yet to figure out how to get them on the blog. OH, how I miss Jorg. HE would be able to do it! He will return to us on Thursday. * Counting down the days *
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thanks Aunty Em!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
9:54 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
We like Pizza!
Here are some pictures from last week. I dedicate this post to pizza, burgers, and bowling!
Here I am with my "Baconator Boy" having some fun at Wendy's.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
3:00 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
My boyfriend's back!
"Hey la, hey boyfriend's back!" We missed him so much. He got back last Saturday. Fortunately, he did a great job "representin'. Unfortunately, he did such a great job they want him back for the second tour starting tomorrow. He'll be gone for another week! This time he gets to go to the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Poooooor boy! He'll be nice and warm enjoying the beaches. Who knows where they'll send him next. The good news is that tours should be done by the end of October. I plan to join him one of these times. Well, as they say...absence makes the heart grow fonder!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
1:00 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Aunty Viv!
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall...."
Posted by
Em and Jorg
4:41 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Memories with Mimi!
My mom's pink umbrella stoller set sail for it's maiden voyage the other night! She and I strolled the Peachies around their neighborhood. We were enjoying the quickly fading "walkable weather".
I noticed those perfect pink wheels. They had no scuff marks. No black smudges. But also, no stories to tell. By the time we made it back to the house, the wheels has some scratches and a few black spots. And I can't wait to hear the stories they will tell!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
12:08 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Trivani Tour: Days 3 and 4
Question: What do Kenny Chesney, Shannen Doherty, and Davy Crockett have in common?
Answer: They were all born in Tennessee of course! (Elder Aldrich loves Kenny Chesney. I miss him. He has 8 more months in Southern Texas.)
He's having a great time (yay) and he will be home in 36 hours (double yay)! He drove to West Virginia today for some meetings, but will return to the hotel in Tennessee for the night. Tomorrow he will fly to North Carolina.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:50 PM
Capitol Greetings
Greetings from Back East. The Trivani Tour has been amazing.
Washington D.C. is a great place. The birthplace of the nation has left an deep impression on me. After seeing the Capitol, Washington Monument, The White House and the Abraham Lincoln Memorial I felt that "this country is my home" like I have never felt before. It is hard to describe, but I felt that my late father Juergen would have loved the tour in Wash. DC.
He was always interested in USA history and knew it better than anyone else I know.
I had the very strong impression that the nation has been founded on good principles.
Even though US international politics can be quite controversial, no one can deny that the world would have been a different place without the "Founding Fathers". Many key inventions (except German Cars ;)) were invented here and many many people worldwide have been fed by the fruits and grains of this nation. Including my own family on both sides after World War II.
Soon I will take my beautiful and amazing "American Wife" and OUR German-American co-production Rebecca to all the museums in Washington ;) maybe not all, but I am sure we will be back.
Posted by
Jorg and Em
8:35 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Happy 25th, Brother!
Jealous of your muscles and year-round tan! You're
Open, honest, and kind. And you're the type of person who's
Never tardy. Especially for your bed time (hehehe)
Thanks for being my "Fwadge and Fifi".
Jon and Em showing off the b-day presents:
Rebecca at the party. I bought this outfit at the Gymboree sale for Em and Jon's baby (they're expecting) but just HAD to see how it looked on Rebecca. Ahoy maytees!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:15 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Trivani Tour: Day 2

We all know that D.C. stands for District of Columbia. But I didn't realize that Columbia is an early poetic name for the United States, stemming from the name of that famous explorer, Christopher Columbus. Cool! Hey, did he have anything to do with the country in South America? OH, I just looked it up and the country is spelled, Colombia. Yah, I knew that...
I have two cousins who live in D.C.
This is Christopher with his wife Amber and their adorable baby girl, Olivia. She was born on July 22nd. I haven't met this baby-girl yet, but I know she and Rebecca will be good friends. I get so happy when I get to see pictures of her.
They also have a National Mall in D.C. I was surprised, when I visited for the first time in 2001, to find it wasn't a shopping area. "The Mall" is actually the grounds between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol. But you knew that, of course.
Jorg had a little time to play around today and got to see the White House and the Capitol. Too bad he won't get to see any of the museums or monuments, but we will visit as a family someday. Tomorrow he will be in Tennessee. We like it!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
7:00 PM
I Heart Daddy by: Rebecca
He taught me how to hold my own bottle!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
6:32 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Trivani Tour: Day 1

Rebecca and I want to say: Welcome to Cleveland!
Here is some info about Cleveland. Did you know that the term "rock and roll" was made popular by a disk jokey there? who knew?? Cleveland is home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and also a famous baseball team. The city has a nice skyline.
More info: Wikipedia
Here's a song about Cleveland made popular by the Drew Carey Show: "Cleveland Rocks" in A slightly nerdy music video from YouTube. I want to hear you singing along!
Have a happy day. We will be thinking of you!!
Your Girls
Posted by
Em and Jorg
9:56 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Marvelous Moab
We spent last weekend in Moab with Jorg's family (Omi, Grandpa Jim, Kristin, and Michael...we were missing Berit). It was a wonderful vacation, full of river rafting and hiking adventures plus lots of entertainment from Rebecca. She is talking more than ever and is all smiles! She sure kept us laughing.
Omi and Rebecca
Rebecca and Daddy
The Delicate Arch!
She was asleep once we got to the top. She was a good little hiker even though it was really hot. We had her naked (except for the diaper) in that little baby pack. We covered her with a white tee shirt to protect her from the sun. I'd like to take credit for getting her to the top (I'm so strong and tough!), but I have to admit that we all took turns carrying her. People would pass us and comment. We did get some looks of disapproval, but mostly just surprise that we had a baby up there!
After the hike with Tante Kristin and dad. You can especially see her cute personality in these pix.
River Wild
Kristin, Michael, Jorg and I rafted the Colorado River! We sure hit some WILD rapids....aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:40 AM