Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our Entertainment

This girl needs to m o v e . I try to get her out for walks, or to Jumpin' Jacks, but if I don't...well, she finds lots of ways to get her "exsersising". And when she puts on her twirling dress, there's no stopping her.


Kristin said...

Seriously, she looks like a pro! We´re really impressed. You should take her to dancing classes and she will be a star :-).
She looks so much different from last time we saw her. So much older and grown up.

Melanie said...

CUTEST. VIDEO. EVER. I love this! :)

(PS - the security word I have to type in to post this comment is "cullen" - SOMEONE has Twilight on the brain, lol!!)

Kim said...

So when Rebbecca is in the Olympics, if they do have a dance Olympics. They will have to play this video right before she accepts her Gold Medal! And then play her life story of how she loves dancing more than anything else.... even mommy and daddy... Just kidding!
She is such a doll and she has quite the moves!