Saturday, January 30, 2010


When we would get off the bus, and I would get you out of your stroller after we crossed the street so you could run the rest of the way home? And half the time, you would stop to climb on this rock?
And how you liked to ride in our elevator? And how we would "buzz daddy in" and then you'd wait for the elevator to open so he would appear?
the duck pond?
Before shopping at Aldi, we would ride the parking elevator to the top? And when we looked out the glass window, we would pretend we were flying? And when we got to the top, we would yell, "Rebecca!!" and it would echo? And then we'd do it again on our way out of the store?
Yah, that was fun :)
Just some pictures I found that got me reminiscing about how we spent our days in Munich.
I wonder how much she will remember, and how much she already forgot!


Kristin said...

Oh no, I can´ t see the pics to this post.

Mandi said...

I can't see the pictures on the post either . . . Cute post though. I am glad you were able to go and take Rebecca along with you. I hope she is able to remember some of it!