Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Her Imagination

Rebecca has a splendidly dramatic imagination.
Yesterday she told me that she was talking with Malificent on her little fake phone. Malificent who has now turned "nice". Who would like a pink watch from Santa Claus, 'cause that's her favorite color.
It was totally random but it cracked me up.

A few weeks ago at church, I had to take her out of nursery to change her diaper. (Yes she is sill in diapers/pull-ups/panties, depending on a combination of her mood and the amount of patience I have that day. Trying to potty train this girl is more than frustrating.)
Anyways, I asked her what songs that were singing and what they were learning in nursery. I could not get her to answer my questions. All she would tell me about were the HUGE dragons that were flying all around the room!
There were purple ones, pink ones, green ones. And they were nice dragons. And they told her stories. And they flew very fast.
I love her imagination because it's never boring to be her mom.
She's usually playing some kind of role. Whether it's Peter Pan, Princess Aurora, Snow White, or Baby Kitty. When she's playing the role of Baby Kitty, she calls me Mama Kitty.

On Saturday I was home sick with a head cold. Jorg went out to do some errands and sent me a picture of a license plate from his phone.
Thinking of u

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

We Like It!


Rebecca said...

Isn't this a fun stage? Brooke's imagination is going wild, too. I love the things she comes up with.

Although I'm sorry you're also having potty training difficulties, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone! This too shall pass, right?

Bombshell Char said...

I was Malificent for Halloween once when I was a kid. I like to think that she turned nice too. And that she likes pink watches.

So funny!

Lemme said...

LOVE IT!!! So cute!!

Kimmy said...

emily!!!! i miss you! how are you??? i wrote to call you on my to do list (how bad is that???). But I am not sure when a good time would be to call...
rebecca is quite the character. I am glad she is entertaining!!!
love you!!!

Kim said...

I read this post to Lane and we were laughing histerically! So funny! We love Becca!