My grandma's funeral was on a perfectly sunny day! The program was wonderful, touching, funny, and there was some toe-tapping music. I imagined she and grandpa were sitting there, watching it together, and just smiling.
Thanks for the picture, Carm.At one point, the grandchildren stood to sing the hymn, "Love One Another". It was written by one of grandma's dear friends, Luacine Clark Fox. Hearing all the voices in unison, I was overwhelmed with the feeling that LOVE is what grandma stood for, and would want her posterity to remember and emulate.
I like this picture because my mom's brothers and sisters are all sitting behind her (except Aunt Heather might be hidden). Rebecca is smelling the flowers. And you get the feeling that this is a pleasant occasion, as grandma would have wanted it to be.
Here is my handsome husband.
Grandma and Grandpa McKinlay are buried right next to my Nana and Papa Aldrich, Uncle Van, and sister Rebecca. The cemetery is on a hillside, overlooking Provo Valley.

Emily (sis-in-law) took more photos from the day
The next part of the post is unrelated, but I uploaded all pictures together and so...that's how they will stay!Rebecca & Friends: Here are some photos from this week.
Rebecca and Abbigail are cute little friends. They light-up when the other comes in the room. They play independently, side-by-side. Rebecca is learning to share toys. I think...
Here is Rebecca's cute cousin,
Natalie. They're just outside the Body Worlds exhibit (too bad I couldn't take pictures in there, it was so stinkin' cool!). They are looking at Uncle Joel. He knows how to make them smile :)

We went to the library yesterday for music and movement with
Natalie & Sophie,
Rachael & Kennedy, Devon, and Taycee. Rebecca was such a pill that day! She even ripped a library book! But we forgive her because...she's very little, and...she's breaking 2 teeth! Poor one. That would hurt BAD. She was back to her sweet self today. . .so glad. I thought I was going to go crazy. Here is Rebecca with Sophie.

And here is Sweet Sophie's sweet smile.

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