Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Bachmann Family Circus

Happy Halloween! We decided to try and fit in with our little monkey. You know what I am, but I'll bet you can't tell that Jorg is the FAT LADY! He didn't look that fat, but he did have on a great shade of lipstick.

Our cuddly monkey was really tired Halloween night because she had her vaccinations they day before and those always just wipe her out...poor thing.

We went to a Halloween party at the Sloan's house. We met all sorts of cousins there! And even ran into Marilyn Monroe!!

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

HI you sweet Halloween MOnkey-Clown-FatLady-Family. So cool. Was Jorg being Raspusah?? :) Not many days and we´ll see you!! YEAH