Friday, October 12, 2007


Rebecca's 5 months old! Here are the top 5 reasons we love our angel:
5. She sounds like a kitty when she whines.
4. She wakes up with the biggest smiles.
3. She snuggles when she's tired.
2. She's been cutting two teeth and has been so brave.
1. Every time she laughs, a fairy is born!


Kristin said...

The dress looks sooo cute on Rebecca and the bow just fits perfectly to it!! I wonder who gave her this dress....:). We probably can´t come to Paris because the day you fly to Paris I have a presentation at school :-(
Miss you... I am sooooooooooooo tired we have been up now for about 32 hours..

Kristin said...

The dress looks sooo cute on Rebecca and the bow just fits perfectly to it!! I wonder who gave her this dress....:). We probably can´t come to Paris because the day you fly to Paris I have a presentation at school :-(
Miss you... I am sooooooooooooo tired we have been up now for about 32 hours..

Emily said...

I love her, she is so adorable!