Sunday, June 12, 2011

Expressions Dance

I took these photos through the glass.  Dance is officially over and it ended up being a good experience.  I almost pulled her out around January, because as much as she likes free dancing, she was not too disciplined in watching the teacher and practicing steps.  She was more interested in being social.  The teacher was getting frustrated with her, and she was getting in trouble a lot!  And when the teacher was after her all the time she got even more stubborn.  Refusing to do the moves, and even ROLLING HER EYES at the teacher!  I have to say, it was hilarious.  But I didn't like that she was getting in trouble!  I really didn't blame the teacher, but I just started to dread her lessons (we moms sat around chatting and watching through the glass) and really got on edge watching the teacher get after my stubborn girl.  I finally called the studio to say that we were going to pull her out, and they informed me that they were getting a new teacher.  We tried it out with the new teacher, and it was sooo much better.  This teacher was much more patient and had creative ways of getting her attention back. 

I still had to bribe her with fruit snacks each week.  Not because she didn't like dance class, but because she disliked getting ready for dance class.  Doing her hair before the lesson (because they are required to have it up)?  toruturous.  And making her wear tights?  even more torturous.  She ruined three pair, just clawing at them because she "hates wearing tights!"  OH my....  But she made some good friends, he did learn a lot of technique, and I enjoyed my talks with the other moms (we kind of mad a book club out of it).  Also she was just so darn cute to watch.

Next year, we're going to go the creative dance route.  I think that will be more suited for her.  And we're going to start a sports camp in July.  And as she gets older, we'll see if she wants to stick with dance or just do sports...or both?  We shall see!  Though it's not always easy to deal with, I really love her spunk.  It will suit her well in life.  And I hope she never loses it!  Part of my job is to appreciate and encourage her little personality, but correct and teach when needed.  I try to balance that each day.  I love my Beccers!  She teaches me a lot.
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Rebecca said...

Your spunky girl reminds me a lot of a little girl I know...

Rebecca said...

By the way, can you believe they're four?!

I watch Brooke and am just amazed that she's grown into a kid! In my mind I still view her as a toddler, but she's almost a kindergartner! Yikes!