Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mancation and Spa Night

I must say, I enjoy being a girl!
Thanks so much for hosting us all, mom.'s Jorg with his BIL's (brother in laws)...
in his pimpin' suit:

Posted by
Em and Jorg
5:16 PM
Becca Lately...
Mexican food with the Smiths!
(Cutest girls in the world. She adores them.)
Popped corn with wonderful Omi!
Watched Uncle Joel perform at a benefit concert in Provo.

We Like it!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
12:12 AM
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Potty Power!
(I know the answer because I counted them after she used the potty and wanted them ALL pulled back up.
She has seemed interested & ready several times over the past 8 months. And was always excited the rewards & praise for about a week. Then would just start going in her pants again. So we put the diapers back on. Now we are at a phase where some days she goes great all days, and others she just goes in her pants and doesn't care. So most days she wears a combo of pull-ups and underwear. Or when she plain refuses to go, we put her in diapers, to keep the costs down. PLUS she doesn't like that...because diapers are for babies and she wants to be a BIG KID.
We have a DVD called, Potty Power, that she really likes. So one day we came up with this chart.

She's not interested in candy, sticker charts, presents, she just wants to be a Big Kid!
The little doll is called, Big Kid Becca. And when Becca goes potty, she gets to move Big Kid Becca to choose an activity. It's all on velcro so we can switch out activities to mix it up a bit.
So far she can chose from: playing on the swings, watching a movie, popping popcorn, playing in her sink, painting, play dough, fruit snacks, and mommy playing with her in her little house. She can do each thing only once a day.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
5:33 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
the scab
Dear Rebecca,
Sometimes I don't know what to do with you! You are almost 3 now. And you know your mind. And you know that you want to pick the scab off your nose every day! You've had the same scab for 2 months (okay, 1 month...I exaggerated...). Every day we put on oils and bandages, and every day you pick it all off! And there is a crater in the bridge of your nose that is not going to heal any time soon! My mom said I did the same thing when I was little. And I don't have a scar. So hopefully your perfect little body will still heal itself, even without help from you!
We started a system that if you don't pick it first thing in the morning, you get chocolate milk. So that has at least worked for the past few mornings. You cute little 'stinka'!
your "kitty cat" momma
Posted by
Em and Jorg
10:53 AM
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Go Cougars!
But the team is really good, don't get me wrong. Especially this year! My dad and all the boys (including Jorg) are going to Vegas this week to see them play in tournament. Jorg has this cool seersucker suit he wants to wear in the casino's. He tried it on for me and it was so funny. I hope he really does it. And that he takes pictures!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:29 AM