These sheep had their noses in the food machine while Jorg turned the crank. Rebecca loved petting them.
A tropical bird in the Terrarium landed on Jorg's shoulder. It was awesome!
Here you can see a little of the foliage. Every type of animal had their own habitat. No cages. And of course, it's Bavaria, so there is no end to trees and plants. The weather was so nice too. No rain, and not too cold. Seriously, a great day.

Rebecca was SUPER super sweet the day we went to the zoo (yesterday). It was a relief to us, since she has been very grumpy the past few weeks. The change of being here has not been easy on her.
The favorite animals of the day were the penguins. We had to drag her away from there! Unfortunately my camera battery went out so I didn't get any pictures.
Just enjoying each other and observing some of Heavenly Father's creations was wonderful.