Monday, January 19, 2009

On Happiness...

It's funny, I wrote this post a few days ago and set it to pop up tonight. What I didn't realize is what my Tanya friend told me,
today was supposed to be the most depressing day of the year.
I guess that's why we need these articles!

A great article I came across:
10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happyand I absolutely love this talk by President Uchtdorf - from the October Relief Society session:
Happiness, Your Heritage
He starts his talk with this story:

"I’m sure it comes as no surprise, but the differences between men and women can often be quite striking—physically and mentally, as well as emotionally. One of the best ways I can think of to illustrate this is in the way my wife and I cook a meal.

When Harriet prepares a meal, it’s a masterpiece. Her cuisine is as wide-ranging as the world, and she frequently prepares dishes from countries we have visited. The presentation of the food is awe inspiring. In fact, it often looks so beautiful that it seems a crime to eat it. It’s as much a feast for the eyes as it is for the sense of taste.

But sure enough, no matter how perfect everything is, looks, and tastes, Harriet will apologize for something she thinks is imperfect. “I’m afraid I used a touch too much ginger,” she will say, or, “Next time, I think it would be better if I used a little more curry and one additional bay leaf.”

Let me contrast that with the way I cook. For the purpose of this talk, I asked Harriet to tell me what I cook best.

Her answer: fried eggs.

Sunny-side up.

But that isn’t all. I have a specialty dish called Knusperchen. The name may sound like a delicacy you might find at an exclusive restaurant. Let me share with you how to make it. You cut French bread into small slices and toast them twice.

That is the recipe!

So, between fried eggs, even when they are greasy, and Knusperchen, even when they are burned, when I cook, I feel pretty heroic.

Perhaps this contrast between my wife and me is a slight exaggeration, but it illustrates something that may extend beyond preparing meals.

To me it appears that our splendid sisters sometimes undervalue their abilities—they focus on what is lacking or imperfect rather than what has been accomplished and who they really are.

Does he know women, or what? Great talk...enjoy!


Lemme said...

thanks em!! that's awesome!! i needed that!!

Bombshell Char said...

I've read this talk at least three times myself . . . and shared it with my husband AND the girls I visit teach. So I agree. A necessary reminder sometimes that we are MEANT to be happy, not just getting by.

Melanie said...

BOTH aticles are fantastic! Thanks for the pick me ups! :)

Kaitlin Heckert said...

Gee Em! 10 things that will make my happy! How great! Thanks for sharing. I think I'll pass it on to my friends! And that talk is a good one.

Kristin said...

Thank you!
I already printed the 10 things and hung them right next to my desk where I can see them everyday.

Tanya said...

My sweet friend, love this post!! What a delightful and optimistic person you are! I truly love you! I love what you are and what you share!!!!