Here is our mostly-happy, always-sweet, blue-eyed beauty
At her 4-month photo shoot.
She was so active, it was hard to get shots that weren't blurry!
We love our girlie! Some of her nicknames are: Peaches, Peachies, Squirmy Wormy, Schetzchen, Speck-Beck, Speck-Mause, Baby Girl, The Precious, and Da Sweetheart.
Hi Rebecca!
Hier ist deine Tante Kristin. In 4 Tagen wirst du mich kennenlernen. Ich weiß schon ganz viel über dich und bin ganz glücklich über dich und freue mich schon so sehr endlich mit dir zu spielen.
wir haben dich lieb, kleine Speckimaus
This is your Tante Kristin. In 4 days you will meet me for the first time. I already know a lot about you and I am so happy that you are there and I am sooo much looking forward to play with you and have fun.
We love you little Speck
Hi Tante Kristin!
I know all about you too, and can't wait to meet you! I will see you in 4 days. WE will party!!!! Hugs and Kisses :)
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