Friday, September 13, 2013

Tante Berit! and swim team

Tante Berit and Christian came to stay with us!  It was great having talks and playing.  They took Rebecca to the Nicklecade!!  She won a gumball machine :D  and they took us to Chuck-a-Rama too, where Rebecca and Christian both got some of their favorite food:  noodles and cheese!


fun around the house:

she is so creative with her play.  animals in their habitats:

Swim Meet!  She swam each morning during June and July Monday-Friday 10:30-11:30 with the Springville Seals Swim Team.  She loved it!  Here she was at the swim meet.

So proud of her!

here's our girl with some tomatoes for the garden

and smiling about her new haircut.
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