Thursday, May 23, 2013

We like fun times

Natalie's 5th Birthday Party
She's always so cute sitting across from me at Cafe Rio.  She doesn't like getting her pictures taken, but usually relents to a few shots if I sneak them quick.
two cuties
She really enjoyed gymnastics class
Waiting for our car inspection we went to Wendy's for drinks and I read to you from one of your favorite series, "The Tiara Club".
You made this at school :)
Our new neighbors, the Braeggers, got a trampoline and said you could come jump whenever you want!
Here was a birthday celebration for Aunt Kay.  Rebecca and Natalie were partners in crime that night when they snuck out to the parking lot early and we had no idea where they were!   Rebecca had wanted to hide in Natalie's car so that she could go home with them...
She had a sore throat so we called it a sick day!!  Had fun doing puzzles and Mimi brought us lunch.
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Went to see a movie with Brandon and his family.
fun mommy/daughter date to the mall!
we like ice cream bars!!

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