Peter Pan fought Captain Hook!
outfit by Birgit
We celebrated Omi's Birthday!
hahaha...Rebecca helped put up the decorations
Jim made that delicious cake
I made dinner!
and thought it was pretty enough for a picture
And Rebecca asked, with concern:
"What ya takin' pic-tchers of?"
She wasn't in the mood for a photo but I am mean
Some funnies from Rebecca were:
When Jorg wanted to see her sunglasses,
"Dad, just look...don't touch because you might break it. Just look with your eyes."
Jorg says, "aaaah!"
Rebecca pauses to think and says,
"Daddy said, aaah...Dad is a
and then she cracks up.
(get it? The 'A' says aaaah)
Obsession with the "Wild Hings" (wild things)
Rebecca: "Mom! Don't go upstairs. That's where the Wild Hings are, and they'll get ya!"
This morning when Jorg was leaving for work,
Rebecca: "No daddy, stay home. Don't go to work today. There are Wild Hings there!"
This week we also went with Mimi to get Rebecca's first real hair cut! She was very serious about the whole thing and sat v e r y still.

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