Abby and I went to visit Kim and her new baby, Caleb. They live in Palmdale, California. The drive went so fast! Abby and I gabbed for 10 hours straight. No joke, our voices were sore when we arrived.
During our three days there, we went:
to In and Out Burger
just to make Jorg jealous :)
to the Wizard of Oz "Poppy Fields"
even though the poppies were out of bloom this time of year, it was still cool to see where my fav childhood movie was filmed.
to the beach!

to Hollywood

to a movie premiere. well, outside of it anyway.
It was "The Hangover" which I'm sure I'll never see. But we did see some stars who, I don't know their names...and I'm sure I could google them, but really I won't remember their names anyway (I have Abby for that!)...but it was very exciting

and I got lots of cuddle time with a cute baby Caleb! He is such a good baby and let us drag him around everywhere. It was soooo good to see Kim (and her husband Chris). We always said Kim was "MAde to be a mother" and it was fun to see her in that role. I wish they still lived here.
My Becca girl got to spend lots of time with daddy (see previous post). And Omi and Grandpa had her in Brigham City for a few days! She got some time with Mimi too.
I kept seeing her in my dreams and was so happy to have her in my arms again.
Thanks to everyone who made our trip possible!