P.S. I have to clarify that her usual pattern in asking for something is to SCREAM to get someone's attention, and THEN she uses the sign for "please". We are trying to exstinguish that scream. It is very nerve racking. If anyone has ideas...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Silly, Part VI
P.S. I have to clarify that her usual pattern in asking for something is to SCREAM to get someone's attention, and THEN she uses the sign for "please". We are trying to exstinguish that scream. It is very nerve racking. If anyone has ideas...
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:36 AM

Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:21 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Day of Jorgi
It was his Happy Birthday on Saturday! Jorg and I often sing "the birthday song" to Rebecca when she needs cheering up (it always makes her smile), so she thought were singing to her all day!
We had a great day with Rebecca's Omi and Grandpa Jim in Brigham City. Dinner at Maddox. Then Jorg and Emily went on a date to see Mama Mia! (sooooo gooood) That afternoon we had Birgit's yummy marsipan cake and we went out on Jim's boat to catch some fish. Rebecca LOVED the water and the ducks. She kept saying,"duck, duck!"
Happy Birthday, Jorg! I love you more than all the ice cream in the universe! And Rebecca loves you more than all the duckies and horsies in the universe! Thanks for being our man.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
7:53 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Photo Booth
Our camera is broken, and the pictures of Rebecca's swimming lessons and Lake Tahoe are on my parent's camera. I'll get them soon, but in the meantime, here are some pix recently taken from my MacBook Photo Booth :) We received your request, Tante Berit, and these are for you!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
4:15 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Freedom Run
We just got back from a week in Lake Tahoe. It was such a fun trip! For now, here are the Freedom Run photos.
We arrived at the start after the race had already begun, so we were with the tail end of the 5K runners. But we meshed with the 10k leaders. We had a great time razzing them because they were just so serious! It was fun hangin' with my dad and brothers. I just love these guys! Before the race:
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:18 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Independence Day!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
8:47 PM
Silly, Part V
Our brave little darlin' just learned how to climb the stairs and slide down, all on her own! Since it's her new trick, she wants to do it over and over. She was cracking us up tonight! Her pajamas are a little too big. But nothing can stop her...
She's still a binkie girl. We keep them in her crib only, but she snagged one when I was putting on her p.j.'s. In this clip, we tell her to take the binkie out. And she does it! We have been amazed, lately, about how much she understands of what we say. We (of course) think she's a genius ;)
Posted by
Em and Jorg
8:39 PM
Time Flies...
..when you're having fun!I can't believe it's now a funny game to hold her in the cradle position and say, "Look at the cute baby! Do you want to hold her?" She smiles and giggles. What? Wasn't she just barely a tiny baby falling asleep on my chest?! Where does the time go?
Posted by
Em and Jorg
2:18 PM
No Fair.
We stayed home for a week while Jorg was in Europe doing this:Granted, he was on a business trip and was pretty busy most of the time. But still...no fair!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
2:05 PM