Maybe I am just biased, because I am her Dad: She was playing with the cell phone while I made a fake phone call. She looked at us and when Emily said: Hello, she took the cell phone to her mouth and started talking. WE just said: Wow, and I got the camera and she did it again. One day after her first birthday. What a baby!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Her first Cell Phone Call
Posted by
Jorg and Em
8:37 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Happy Birthday, Baby
Here's a shot of our birthday princess from this morning. Jorg and I had THE BEST time watching her excitement. She loved her presents and it was darling. (I made the tutu. Thanks Meghan!)We went to the zoo! It was too fun to make these zoo pages. I'm totally tired, but I just really wanted to work on them tonight. Thanks to Jorg for making disk space for the pix! We like it!
More photos to come (including the classic cake face).
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:20 PM
Is this for real?
This birthday ticker has been on our sidebar tracking Rebecca's age for a year now. Sometimes I checked it just to see how many days she was into a month. I will miss this ticker and I will miss our tiny baby even more! I can't complain though, because our toddler is just adorable :) We had a fun day! Unfortunately we are out of disk space for pictures. But fortunately my husband is Jorg. This problem won't last too long and soon we will have some pictures. I'm too excited.
Update: Apparently it keeps ticking! Now I don't have to delete it.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
8:07 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
In the past week or so, our girl made it onto a few other blogs. Way to go Rebecca! I always knew she would do us proud. Check it out! Here she is playing with cute Sophie, hangin with the Sloan gals, and at Natalie's blessing. We love our friends and family!
Also, here are some cute pictures taken over Spring Break in Park City. My camera isn't the best, but oh well. We had a great time! And it was fun to see the babies together. And lastly, Happy (is it 49th?) Birthday to my mom! Mom, you are such a good example to me and I'm thankful for you and blessed to have you as my mommy and friend, every day! I love you!
I will add that we also made it to Brigham City last Saturday! We had yummy German food and a great time with Omi and Grandpa Jim. Here is Rebecca riding her trike there.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
8:20 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mobility Update
She walks! Last month she learned to get up onto her knees and one leg (down on one knee) from the middle of the floor. And she could walk around with support. Then she learned to stand on her own - without holding onto anything. Just in the center of the room. And she started taking a few steps here and there. Now she can take up to 12 wobbly steps at a time! She pops up and down, goes from walking, to crawling, and back to walking, in one trip across the room. It is so cute to watch.
Here she is yesterday afternoon pushing around the baby stroller. She's pretty fast with that. You can see in one of the movies how she gets up and takes some steps on her own.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
11:39 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sunshine is So Fine
I don't have time to write much because I have to hurry and shower before my cutie wakes up. We are headed to Park City with my family for Spring Break! Jorg will meet us on Friday. Here are some pages I just finished.
Posted by
Em and Jorg
9:53 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Silly Part III
Rebecca loves giving "huggies"! She has also been making this funny face lately, scrunching up her nose and breathing really hard...
Here's our cutie real close-up just playing with the laundry :)
Posted by
Em and Jorg
5:05 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
I Wanna Talk About Me !
That song started going through my head when Abster tagged me to write 10 random things about myself. So, just to be "silly" (as I often am) I'm going to breakdown my randomness, Toby Keith style!
What I Think
1. I remind myself of "Kelly".

What I Like
2. One of my favorite things is going out to lunch (with friends or family). I really don't care what the food is. As long as I can sit down and talk, talk, talk with a good friend (I also like to talk...and listen) and I don't have to clean up after!
3. I like The Little House on the Prairie.

I watched the T.V. show when I was little - It was on right before "The Flinstones". Mary was so pretty and Laura had the most fun adventures.
I also enjoyed it in college - I woke up 20 minutes early so I could watch the reruns before class.
I realized I wanted to marry me someone with character, brains, and brawn like Charles Ingalls. And I did!
4. I like Jorg.
What I Know
5. This life is short. It's so easy for me to get distracted from the important things. It's time for me to "choose the better part", and refocus with this goal each day.
6. "A smart [woman] learns from [her] mistakes. A wise [woman] learns from the mistakes of others." This is true.
What I Want
7. A body with less curves (My Hips Don't Lie!). I wanna feel good in my skin. I know what I need to do to get there...
8. I want my house walls painted with pretty colors! That will be fun.
(But truly, I have everything I ever really wanted in Jorg, Rebecca, and our future children.)
What I See
9. I've been getting back into novel reading. I slowed down for a while because I couldn't read while pregnant (book images were too vivid and I had weird dreams. It drove me nuts.) Then after Rebecca came, I was usually too tired when any free time presented itself. But now that I get more sleep at night, it's reading time! I've been loving anything by Shannon Hale,

10. I see people's blogs! I am obsessed with checking my Google Reader to see what's new. This is one of the time suckers I want to cut back on. I do, do, do love seeing/reading about what's going on in people's lives! Keep the updates coming :) I'll just limit my "checking" time to , say...three times per day. As opposed to every time I walk past my computer.
Speaking of updates, if you are reading this, you have a blog, and you haven't already been tagged,
NO excuses. You know who you are and I had BETTER see this on your blog. Or I will haunt you. For real. And do it Toby Keith style. Just for me?!? Pretty please with a cherry on top (that's a "Kelly phrase").
P.S. This is a long and self-absorbed, thanks for reading!
Posted by
Em and Jorg
10:40 PM